I recently had the pleasure of being the Production Manager + 1st Assistant Director on a commercial shoot for Tourism Yukon under the direction of Outside the Cube (agency) and RJ Sauer at Brüdder Productions (Director/Production company). We shot two commercial spots over four days in the wintery cold temperatures of the Yukon and the beauty of the landscapes definitely outweighed the cold! It was one of the best shoots I've been on and I'm proud to share the first of the two spots released and on-air now - Robert Service 60 second TVC.
Here's a selection of BTS photos:
Our beautiful cabin location at Wheaton B&B.
The views from the Wheaton B&B cabin.
Photo Courtesy of Byron Kopman. L-R clockwise: Byron Kopman (DOP), Neil Macdonald (Gaffer/Grip), RJ Sauer (Director) and me!
Hiking in to get some sunset shots at Fish Lake. Drone Operators: Carlo Wein and Momme Halbe
The long hike home after we got our sunset shots! So beautiful! Drone Operators: Carlo Wein and Momme Halbe